The fields of broken dreams  
  Explore lost worlds in globalist Flat World
  Free trade is a dirty business
  Economic Diseases Are Highly Communicable
  Free trade fails forces Mexicans to America
  History Tells Us To Stay Out Of Middle East
  Tapsearch Com World Super Links
  A useful good is not usually a good thing to do
  News Networks Spin News About Trade Issues
  Ray's Art Gallery - Living Art, Art that Talks, Flowers for You and Sports Art Collectibles
  Collect Vintage Computer Products
  Photo-Gravure Original Prints 1880s
  Google Alerts for Ray Tapajna Online
  Contact Ray Tapajna
Google Alerts for Ray Tapajna Online
    1. Blushing Red Flowers
      Fine Art America

      Blushing Red Flowers by Ray Tapajna, Blushing Red Flowers Mixed Media by Ray Tapajna, Blushing Red Flowers Mixed Media, Blushing Red ...
    2. Joe Dimaggio Yankee Clipper by Ray Tapajna
      Fine Art America

      Joe Dimaggio Yankee Clipper by Ray Tapajna, Joe Dimaggio Yankee Clipper Drawing by Ray Tapajna, Joe Dimaggio Yankee Clipper Drawing, Joe ...
    3. Healing In Golden Sunlight
      Fine Art America

      Healing In Golden Sunlight by Ray Tapajna, Healing In Golden Sunlight Digital Art by Ray Tapajna, Healing In Golden Sunlight Digital Art, Healing In ...
    4. Winter Flowers For You
      Fine Art America

      Winter Flowers For You by Ray Tapajna, Winter Flowers For You Mixed Media by Ray Tapajna, Winter Flowers For You Mixed Media, Winter Flowers ...
    5. Travis Hafner
      Tapsearch Com

      Search under tapsearch.com, tapart news or Ray Tapajna live ... Ray's main art gallery is at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com and his rare sports art ...
    6. Play Ball Spo...

      TOONPOOL Cartoons - Play Ball Sports Art Collectible by ray-tapajna, tagged sports, baseball, action, collectible - Category Sports - rated 5.00 / 5.00.
    7. The American...

      TOONPOOL Cartoons - The American Dream is Burning by ray-tapajna, tagged american, dream, economic, crisis, globalist, free, traders, jobs, lost, ...
    8. Who has Ke...

      TOONPOOL Cartoons - Who has Key - Workers handcuffed by ray-tapajna, tagged workers, jobs, lockout, human, commodities, unemployed, ...
    9. Most popular search engines - UK, US and Worldwide
      Smart Insights

      Ray Tapajna commented on September 23, 2014 ... Go to http://tapsearch.com or http://ray-tapajna.info.net We have SearchBoth.com on many of our ...
    10. How to Attract Enough Visitors to Your Website to Earn a Living

      http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews Ray Tapajna. As a completely ... See http://tapsearch.com or same at http://ray-tapajna-info.net Enjoy! Most likely you ...
    11. Rev. Robert Sirico: Reply to America Magazine
      Acton Institute PowerBlog

      See http://tapsearch.com/about-ray-tapajna. The term has lost its meaning in our times. Free trade is the major cause of our economic crisis.
    12. Can Spirituality Heal Suffering?

      153 comments. + add your own. Ray Tapajna Ray T. 5:28PM PST on Mar 4, 2015 ... Our main art gallery is at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com.
    13. 10 philosophy books guaranteed to make you think differently
      Ink Tank

      Ray Tapajna says: May 7, 2015 at 4:56 am. We explore the latent response of philosophy and religion to the global economic arena at ...
    14. Get Ready Now For Fast Track Fight
      Campaign For America's Future

      Ray Tapajna. We do need any conspiracy theories to know free trade economics has been driven by powerful forces outside the will of the people.
    15. Small Ways to Add Big Personality to Your IT Site

      View our Art that Heals, Art that Talks, Everlasting Flowers and Collectible Sports Art at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com. Reply · Like. · April 13 at ...
    16. Healing Properties of Green
      Healing Journeys Energy

      ... and Artist at Tapsearch Com - Tapart News and Art that Talks. View Ray Tapajna's Healing in Green Waters to refresh your spirit and your day.
    17. Why Free Trade Agreements Don't Work, But Could
      San Diego Free Press

      Ray Tapajna says. August 15, 2014 at 6:26 pm. First of all, free trade is not trade as historically practiced and defined. The so called free trade in our ...
    18. Hillary Clinton's New York Times Magazine Cover
      Know Your Meme

      See http://ray-tapajna-info.net/clinton with story and pictures about the free trade fiasco. Reply · Like. · April 26, 2014 at 4:26pm. Reply using.
    19. Globalization, a Flat World, and Falling Roofs

      Ray Tapajna on April 7, 2013 at 2:49 am said: ... Search under tapsearch globalization or Ray Tapajna Living Journals for thousands of resources and ...
    20. Ron Paul: For Free Trade, Against NAFTA
      Eyes on Trade - Typepad

      Ray Tapajna. Free Trade is not trade as presently ... Posted by: Ray Tapajna | September 10, 2007 at 11:55 PM. flirting tips. I still don't get everyone's ...
    21. Replies
      Tea Party Nation

      The growing underground economy may help us get through the economic and social crisis of our times. http://tapsearch.com/ray-tapajna-rational- ...
    22. Globalization and Diversity
      Edge Perspectives with John Hagel - Typepad

      Ray Tapajna. Note the following articles about The ... http://www.phillyfuture.org/node/5297. Posted by: Ray Tapajna | October 02, 2007 at 02:01 PM.
    23. 'Occupy' protests hit Cleveland

      Search under tapsearch.com, tapart news, ray tapajna pages, arklineart ... Posted by: Ray Tapajna (Cleveland Ohio USA) on December 21, 2011 4: ...
    24. Bible readings
      The Berkeley Blog

      Nonetheless, the way others use the bible is purely up to them, trouble seems to brew when we tell people how to use it. [Report abuse]. Ray Tapajna.
    25. NEW BOOK
      perspectives - Typepad

      Pearl Harbor Attack on Workers Ray Tapajna. Art that Talks gallery at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com Main news and issue site at ...
    26. 'Free trade' agreements: Power to the corporations?
      The Stream - Al Jazeera

      Ray Tapajna. Before any discussions about free trade, ... http://www.tapserch.com/ray-tapajna-journals See More. Reply · Like. · March 14 at 11:22am.
    27. Big List of Link Building Strategies
      Website Magazine

      Ray Tapajna 05-11-2012 6:29 PM. Our Tapsearch ... This is a completely free courtesy of Ray Tapajna Today news and issues sites. We also have ...
    28. 20 Odd Vintage Products You Won't Find Today

      Note collection of rare vintage computer products at http://ray-tapajna-info.net/collect-vintage-computer-products that grow in value featuring rare items ...
    29. US Catholic CEO responds to Benedict's economic encyclical

      Ray Tapajna Chronicals cover the events behind the global economic crisis and forecasted the ... Posted by Ray Tapajna | Report as abusive. Jul 10 ...
    30. Tips for job seekers in South Africa

      Tapsearch Com World featuring the advocacy of Ray Tapajna relating to ... Cleveland, OH, May 04, 2015 -- Tapsearch Com World and Ray Tapajna ...
    31. Greater Cleveland Partnership / COSE Achieve Green Plus Certification
      Green Plus

      Ray Tapajna · Editor and Artist at Tapsearch Com - Tapart News and Art that Talks. We need to get real. Free trade economics is the main cause of our ...
    32. How to Do Away with the Dangers of Outsourcing
      HBS Working Knowledge - Harvard Business School

      Ray Tapajna; Editor and Artist, Tapsearch Com World. Free trade is not trade. It is primarily about moving production from place to place anywhere in ...
    33. Stop Walmart's Repeated Offenses Against the Environment

      View The Sacrilege- Walmart built in the grave yard of the steel industry at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com The Walmart store was built in a ...
    34. Michael Froman: Why trade is essential to pulling people out of poverty

      Ray Tapajna · Editor and Artist at Tapsearch Com - Tapart News and Art ... http://tapsearch-master-site.page.tl http://ray-tapajna-tapsearcher.page.tl ...
    35. What is wrong with protectionism?
      Capitalism Creates Poverty

      ... and mobile user friendly summary of articles based on The World is Flat by Ray Tapajna at http://tapsmobileworld.filetap.com. 15 February 2009 at ...
    36. Christian Right Angered By Pope's Anti-Capitalist Talk Vow To Elect
      Free Wood Post

      Ray Tapajna · Editor and Artist at Tapsearch Com - Tapart News and Art that Talks ... http://tapsearch.com/ray-tapajna-rational-economics
    37. Free Search Engine Submission
      Web Services Tools

      Thank you for your info. Tapsearch Com and/or Ray Tapajna Info Net sites has more unlimited free services and tools to promote your web pages, ...
    38. Political cartoon from the Clinton Era
      oh...my volvo!

      (editorial cartoon and commentary from Cleveland Plain Dealer by Ray Tapajna) President Bill Clinton, Sen. Bob Dole and Rep. Newt Gingrich joined ...
    39. Globalization visualized in immersive Hong Kong art installation

      Ray Tapajna. View Art that Talks global economic issues at http://art-that-talks.filetap.com Search under The Sacrilege Walmart built in the grave yard ...
    40. Cursillo: I Have No Idea... Sort Of...
      The Heart of Things

      Online since 1998, we now have thousands of references and resources on the worldwide web. Search under tapsearch.com, tapart news, ray tapajna ...
    41. Saul Steinberg and the global economic crisis
      Delhi Mix

      ... and articles with thought provoking topical art by Ray Tapajna. ... Ray's most popular artwork is part of more than 5 million search results referenced ...
    42. Atheists Died Here Too

      ... Terror artwork by Ray Tapajna at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com and http://tapsearch.com/flatworld or search under Cross 911 Tangle of Terror.
    43. Four Solid Days of Intense Light ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown
      The Earth Plan

      Healing in Golden Sunlight ~ Ray Tapajna ..... traingle billie woodard blossom goodchild blue flame blue flare blue ray blue transmissions bob charles ...
    44. Hill tea party's next target: Barack Obama's trade agenda

      Ray Tapajna. The U.S. Federal Government ... who lost everything due to free trade. See http://tapsearch.com/workers-d...http://ray-tapajna-info.net/fl.
    45. Big polluters: one massive container ship equals 50 million cars

      Ray Tapajna. Yet these must intrinsically be the most efficient way to move goods. I wonder how costly it would be to improve the fuel? simon@syd.
    46. The 10 worst dirty energy projects
      Make Wealth History

      Ray Tapajna August 7, 2013 at 4:10 pm #. Let's not forget free trade as a major cause of pollution across the board. Free trade is a major cause behind ...
    47. Tom Friedman's Flatlined, Flat World Sucks and We're Not Gonna Take it Anymore
      Losing the War on Humor

      Join the journey of advocate and artist Ray Tapajna from Tapart New and Art that Talks at http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews/ Thomas Friedman rides ...
    48. Manufacturing Jobs: How to Turn America's Job Prospects…
      Manufacturing Trends and News

      Ray Tapajna · June 17, 2014 at 7:13 ... It is economic suicide. http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews http://ray-tapajna-info.net/flatworld. Deanna Johnston ...
    49. 20 Art Inspiration Ideas for Creativity

      ... view our living healing art live and in motion at http://tapsearch.com/about-ray-tapajna Main gallery at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com Come by ...
    50. 2016 GOP primaries
      The Economist

      Ray Tapajna Jan 20th, 19:33. How can the Republicans or anyone leave out the main issue of our times. Free trade economics has failed and is the ...
  • WEB

    1. Ray Tapajna

      Ray Tapajna is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Ray Tapajna and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and ...
    2. tapsearcher

      The latest Tweets from Ray Tapajna (@tapsearcher). Just say-God help me now- I'm Editor, Artist, Workers Dignity, Art That Heals, For 1000s ...
    3. Ray Tapajna
      Fine Art America

      GET A FREE vintage food store ad signed from 1934 to 1939 with any art buy. Just let Ray know where to send when you purchase any of his art.
    4. Ray Tapajna

      View Ray Tapajna's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Ray Tapajna discover ...
    5. News
      Ray Tapajna - Artist Websites

      Artist Ray Tapajna features some of his art as artmoney which can be used as payment in full or in part by many businesses. For businesses that take ...
    6. Ray Tapajna
      Levo League

      Created with Sketch Beta. Do unto others as you would have them do you. http://tapsearch.com/about-ray-tapajna ...
    7. Ray Tapajna Journal

      View Ray Tapajna 's new Living Healing Art based on Color Therapy studies at his main gallery at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com His Healing in ...
    8. Fields of Broken Dreams
      Tapsearch Com

      (Ask about Ray Tapajna's unique art directly to U.S. Postage Stamps ) Now very rare - Only few available -216-671-6263. Email arklineart@core.com ...
    9. Tapsearch Com

      Tapsearch Com World now has 1000s of resources online. Search under tapsearch.com, tapart news, ray tapajna live, tapsearcher or arklineart.
    10. at Exploring the lost worlds in the Flat World
      Tapsearch Com

      Thomas Friedman 's World is Flat explored by Ray Tapajna. Flatteners and flattenings fiction in the Lost World of Globalization and Free Trade.
    11. Collect Vintage Computer Products

      ray-tapajna-info.net/collect-vintage-computer-products. Collect rare VINTAGE COMPUTER PRODUCTS, more than 30 years old, in new condition, ...
    12. News on Tap - Ray Tapajna Living Journal

      Our economies based on making money on money instead of making things is burning away. Tapsearch Com World featuring Ray Tapajna Living ...
    13. Tapsearch Com Super Links
      Tapsearch Com

      For 1000s of Tapsearch Com resources, search under tapsearch.com, tapart news, ray tapajna sites, tapsearcher or arklineart. Add keywords like free, ...
    14. Tapart News and Art that Talks
      Tapsearch Com

      Covers issues of Globalization, Free Trade, Workers Dignity, Social Justice, Rerum Novarum.View Cross 9/11 tangle of terror art by Ray Tapajna.
    15. About Ray Tapajna
      Tapsearch Com

      Ray Tapajna - editor, artist and advocate for workers' dignity, local economies and real free enterprise. Have more than sixty years of experience with ...
    16. Summer Art Fridays
      Storyboard - Tumblr

      Summer Art Fridays: Digital Artist Ray Tapajna Ray Tapajna's artwork is defined both by its content – delicate, beautiful abstractions – and its context, ...
    17. Rare Sports Art
      Tapsearch Com

      Rare Arkline Sports Art by Ray Tapajna of Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Jim Thome, Manny Ramirez, Roberto Alomar, Omar Vizquel, Scripps Howard ...
    18. View the Healing in Blue Waters and Slide Show below it
      Tapsearch Com

      Contact us at newsworld@fastmail.net Ray Tapajna ... Ray Tapajna work experiences includes : Raised in family food store, Advertising Art, Artist- ...
    19. The Cross 9/11 art

      You can view all of Ray Tapajna's Topical, Sports and Editorial art/cartoons from Tapart News by clicking on http://sportsartplus.filetap.com ...
    20. Ray Tapajna's Page
      The Backstop

      "Note http://tapsearch.com/collect-vintage-computer-products where you can get a Ray Tapajna's sports art print free with buys of collectible computer ...
    21. Free

      Ray Tapajna Journal turned 2 today! View Come over the bridge to the other side and view Ray's living healing art live and in motion at ...
    22. Ray Tapajna

      Bloghology is a network for both bloggers and for companies related to the blogosphere. Unlike other social networks, Bloghology is unique in that it is ...
    23. Ray Tapajna
      Ezine Articles

      Ray Tapajna is Editor and Artist at Tapsearch Com News online since 1998. His bio is at tapsearch.com/about-ray-tapajna ( You can view his new ...
    24. Clinton Years American Dream Reversed artwork by Ray Tapajna
      dreamrenew - Buzznet

      The Clinton Years, The American Dream Reversed artwork was done in 2000 and it is symbolic of a time during the most massive dislocation of jobs in ...
    25. The Cross or Rubble

      Ray Tapajna, the Cross 9-11, The Cross of Rubble colored ink and mixed media original : 8" x 11 http://cross9-11.filetap.com, ...
    26. Take A Break And Refresh Your Spirit And Your Day By Viewing Living Healing Color Therapy Art
      Seeking Alpha

      (Ray's main art gallery is at ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com and news stories ... Back To Ray Tapajna - Tapart News Editor's Instablog HomePage ».
    27. Market Reformer

      Search under ray tapajna net for more resources and references. ... http://tapsearch.com/ray-tapajna-rational-economics Add most any related term or ...
    28. Dallas Artist Mattson Plummer is Giving His Work Away—If You Can Find it
      FrontRow - D Magazine

      Ray Tapajna said on September 6, 2014 at 10:01 am : ... Flowers, Art that Talks and unique Sports Art is at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com ...
    29. Contact

      Ray Tapajna August 26, 2012 at 12:32 am | Permalink ... Search under tapart news, tapsearch.com, ray tapajnatoday and ray tapajna art that talks.
    30. The Rationale

      Pope Benedict Economic Encyclical - Ray Tapajna Living Journal Review Published letter from the Cleveland Plain Dealer about new Pope Francis
    31. How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Personal Brand
      Next Avenue

      Let the world know who you are and what you do in unlimited free ways at http://ray-tapajna-info.net. It includes the best in free search engine, ...
    32. Headless Free Trade

      TOONPOOL Cartoons - Headless Free Trade by ray-tapajna, tagged free, trade, parasite, oxymoron, paradox, local, value, added, economies, cultural, ...
    33. our resources
      Global Economic Crisis, World Financial Crisis, Economic Turmoil

      Ray Tapajna Chronicles predicted economic crisis years ago. Ray Tapajna Chronicles forecasted economic crisis years ago based on several experts ...
    34. Fr. Robert Sirico's “Defending the Free Market”

      Ray Tapajna says: August 4, 2012 at 2:57 pm. As an advocate for workers dignity, local value added economies and the real free enterprise system, ...
    35. This iReport is not available
      CNN iReport

      Tapsearch Com World featuring the advocacy of Ray Tapajna relating to global free trade economics has thousands of resources on the worldwide…
    36. Kasich receives some pushback in South Carolina
      The Columbus Dispatch

      Ray Tapajna (tapsearcher) ... president. http://tapsearch.com/free-trade-economics http://tapsearch.com/flatworld http://ray-tapajna-tapsearcher.page.tl.
    37. Funny Tangled Pictures
      Freaking News

      The Cross of 9/11 Tangle of Terror- who can untangle the terror Globalization and Free Trade have bred. By Ray Tapajna. A new kind of colonialism ...
    38. How to use LinkedIn to Promote Your Business
      Branding Personality

      http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews Ray Tapajna. At http://ray-tapajna-info.net or http://tapsearch.com , you have unimited free ways to let the world know ...
    39. the Lucid Crossroads links & news
      The Lucid Crossroads

      Ray Tapajna's artwork is defined both by its content — delicate, beautiful abstractions — and its context, the Internet. With his pieces, Tapajna hopes to ...
    40. Mike Rowe's Response to Facebook Comments on Walmart Commercial Voiceover
      Mike Rowe

      See Art that Talks at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com The Walmart store was built in a location where thousands of workers made a middle class ...
    41. Tapsearch Com World has Thousands of Resources Online and Covers Free Trade Economics ...

      Tapsearch Com World featuring the advocacy of Ray Tapajna relating to global free trade economics has thousands of resources on the worldwide ...
    42. Toronto Life: Kevin O'Leary wants to be an artist—and he's not half bad
      Kevin O'Leary

      Please view our Art that Heals, Art that Talks, Everlasting Flowers and Collectible Sports Art at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsi... You can also view our ...
    43. “What are Fast Track, TPA and TPP?” San Diego Community Forum
      Coalition for a Prosperous America

      Raymond Tapajna commented 18 days ago ... http://tapsearch.com/ray-tapajna-journals http://tapsearch.com/bewildered-global-economy ...
    44. Reader Agenda 2015: The Plain Dealer needs to cover the story of how free trade robbed the ...

      college graduates. Why did we let free trade come and destroy human dignity this way? When will you cover this story? Ray Tapajna,. Cleveland ...
    45. Fair Trade or Free Trade? They're not the same.
      Food For Thought

      Ray Tapajna Tapsearch Com October 28, 2010 at 5:02 pm #. Both major parties in the USA, supported the free trade agreements that betrayed human ...
    46. We link you to about 100 Tapsearch Com Web Pages for $10

      Tapsearch Com World and Ray Tapajna Info Net have 1000s of resources and references online. We will link your webpages on about 100 Tapsearch ...
    47. Mike Rowe responds to the never-ending backlash surrounding his Walmart commercial
      Glenn Beck

      http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews Ray Tapajna. Walmart practices cruel economics not concerned about workers right to property. Workers' labor is their ...
    48. Free trade economics is a failure. President Obama had to bail out the system
      Before It's News

      http://ray-tapajna-info.net/bewildered-global-economy – http://tapsearch.com/workers-dignity-betrayed. Share on Facebook · Share on Twitter.
    49. Andrew Bruce Douglas, 1940-2004 My
      Ed Cone - Typepad

      He was happily married twice, first to Mary Tapajna, who died in 1990, and then to Carol Cone, ... Posted by:Ray Tapajna | Jul 21, 2007 at 11:20 PM.
    50. Perfect storm launches 19-year-old Wheeling native into political punditry
      Daily Herald

      For example search under ray tapajna workers dignity or tapsearch ... Main sites at http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews, http://ray-tapajna-info.net/flatworld.
A Ray Tapajna Chronicles news & issues  
  Tapsearch.com features Ray Tapajna journals, online since 1998, has thousands of resources online. Ray mixes published letters and articles and with Art that Talks. The main sites are http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews, http://tapsearch.com/flatworld and
( View the most popular artwork by Ray on the worldwide web which now has millions of results on Yahoo- search under artwork title -Clinton Years American Dream Reversed )

Ray's journals foretold the coming our economic crisis years ago based on several experts including Sir James Goldsmith who wrote THE TRAP and Manuel Castells who predicted the coming of the Bewildered New World as it is today. There were others like Chuck Harder, host of For the People who with Dr Pat Choate and well respected journalist J.D. Cash foretold the story in the early 1990s

The core of our economic crisis today can be traced to 1994 when President Clinton pushed the passage of the elder President Bush's free trade program which included NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. They were passed by a Democrat controlled Congress which joined hands with Republicans Rep Newt Gingrich and Senator Bob Dole. Commentators like Rush Limbaugh who had a very large following locked hands with President Clinton in promoting the passage of both NAFTA and GATT. GATT was passed in a Thanksgiving Day vacation lameduck session of Congress after the Contract with America Republicans won the election and were due to take over in January.
Soon after, President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to save the peso and the Mexican economy. NAFTA had proved to be a completely failed program with millions of Mexican fleeing their country seeking economic survival in the USA.

This was a sign of things to come. It was the first stimulus package except it went to a foreign country. Later President Bush, the second, initiated his economic stimulus package. When this was being debated in Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress that the best way to stimulate the economy was to buy "domestically produced goods."

This obviously came too late and it is still ignored by many globalist free traders as the cause of our economic crisis. Our economy based on making money on money instead of making things is burning out. President Obama followed and bailed out the big money interests who caused the crisis and put them back in charge.

The U.S. has suffered the most massive dislocation of jobs in its history. A working poor class and an underclass now reside in a silent depression and there is no base to support the needs of our society. Many who are still working are homeless or need government assistance to survive as the tax base gets smaller and smaller
For a summary of sites, see http://tapsearch.com/super-links and
Explore The Latent Response Of Religion And Philosophy To The Global Economy  
  Religion and Philosophy remains dormant as globalist free traders continue their surge for making money on money instead of making things and using workers as tools in the process to achieve their objectives.
See http://tapsearch.com/ray-tapajna-journals
View Art that Talks issues  
  View Ray Tapajna's thought provoking art that talks about the issues of our times with pictures telling the stories at http://art-that-talks.filetap.com or view main gallery at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com
Search under artwork titles for up to more than a mllion references. Search out ....
Double Talk American Dream Reversed
The Sacrilege Walmart built in grave yard of the steel industry
The American Dream is burning by Ray Tapajna
The Cross of 911 Tangle of Terror asking who can untangle the terror that globalization and free trade have bred.
Locked Out Workers Bearing Their Cross

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