The fields of broken dreams |
Free trade is a dirty business |
Free Trade is a dirty business in more way than one
Free Trade is not Trade - It is about divorcing investments from production and moving factories from place to place for the sake of cheaper labor and maximum profits. Investments are free from the overhead of workers and their obligation to uphold workers' dignity.
Free trade economics is not trade. It is consumption economics. In order for it to sustain, it needs millions of consumers. It needs perpetual production demanding new products that force obsolence.
The American Dream is Burning Away

Our giant agricultural corporations subsidized by governments have destroyed the family farm. The American corporations have caused a revolution in Mexico and vanquished many subsistence farmers in the far east. We also go to these places to have wage slave labor produce the electronic trinkets we use that actually grow no value . The computers used in the class rooms that are produced this way really grow no value the same way. So, we have classrooms depending on devices that really have really have no economic way to make a living.
We go to the far east and have them make our computer components. After the items are obsolete, the factories close down and leave the people worst off than ever.
Impoverished workers in Burma actually get burned alive making our clothes. Our cities now depend on the sports industry and gambling. The restaurant industry is dependent on alcohol. Alcohol and cigarettes are fair traded items with price protection by the state. They are not subject to competitive factors like other products. The sports complexes and gambling casino are funded with tax payer money. The revenues are really take away dollars. They take money from the very people that can not afford to spend it. Only local economies that add value from about five levels of added value from the raw product stage to the retail stage. Now most of the money spent at the retail level quickly fans out to the place where the products are made in other countries. It does not stay in place to recycle our economy.
Many of our states use taxpayer money to pay foreign auto companies to build their assembly plants here knocking out an entire middle class of production workers.
It comes down to this, you can not do business with people who do not have money. You can only use them for selfish purposes. Instead of finding a way to sustain societies, we have created a new wage slave trade. Wars have followed because governments acting as brokers and dealers in a global economic arena have spread their interests across the globe in a new kind of colonialism.
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in this book The Age of Turbulence defends our predatory Capitalistic system by writing about the New Harmony which was a Christian workers community. He said only this type of Capitalistic system can work. The Catholic Workers are proving him wrong.
In the late 1930s. President Roosevelt said he was not going to let the lack of dollars stand in his way. All his efforts to end the depression failed. There was not even money in the world to conduct real trade. He created the Lend Lease Program where he started shipping goods and food to other countries without being concerned about payment up front. This triggered commerce. It was real free trade. When the war came, the program triggered the most awesome industrial might the world has ever known. After the war, the U.S. had enough wealth to start the Marshall Plan and GI Bill. The Marshall Plan helped restore economies in the Europe and the Far East. It did it by duplicating success of our system. Then the globalist free traders came and shredded our economies and sent the pieces around the world.
The GI Bill was a success and created a vast middle class in America.
The globalist free traders failed. President Clinton had to bail them out in the beginning and President Obama bailed them out in 2008. Our economy was falling apart. The domino effect took over. With trillions of dollars borrowed from the future, President Obama put a patch on an old inner tube ready to burst.
It is only a matter of time before it bursts. And we have lost World War 2 sixty plus years after the fact. Have all those soldiers died in vain?
To blame over population is wrong. Population growth is not the problem. The problem lies in the use of the suffering of others and we must find way to stop living off the suffering of others and abstract proper economic models from the past which includes Christian workers communities. We need to break down into solid communities across the boards and stop this plantation owner mentality based on centralization and federalism. squid.me/kyV provides summary of Tapsearch Com World and Ray Tapajna Info Net sites and articles with 1000s of resources online. |
A Ray Tapajna Chronicles news & issues |
Tapsearch.com features Ray Tapajna journals, online since 1998, has thousands of resources online. Ray mixes published letters and articles and with Art that Talks. The main sites are http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews, http://tapsearch.com/flatworld and
( View the most popular artwork by Ray on the worldwide web which now has millions of results on Yahoo- search under artwork title -Clinton Years American Dream Reversed )
Ray's journals foretold the coming our economic crisis years ago based on several experts including Sir James Goldsmith who wrote THE TRAP and Manuel Castells who predicted the coming of the Bewildered New World as it is today. There were others like Chuck Harder, host of For the People who with Dr Pat Choate and well respected journalist J.D. Cash foretold the story in the early 1990s
The core of our economic crisis today can be traced to 1994 when President Clinton pushed the passage of the elder President Bush's free trade program which included NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. They were passed by a Democrat controlled Congress which joined hands with Republicans Rep Newt Gingrich and Senator Bob Dole. Commentators like Rush Limbaugh who had a very large following locked hands with President Clinton in promoting the passage of both NAFTA and GATT. GATT was passed in a Thanksgiving Day vacation lameduck session of Congress after the Contract with America Republicans won the election and were due to take over in January.
Soon after, President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to save the peso and the Mexican economy. NAFTA had proved to be a completely failed program with millions of Mexican fleeing their country seeking economic survival in the USA.
This was a sign of things to come. It was the first stimulus package except it went to a foreign country. Later President Bush, the second, initiated his economic stimulus package. When this was being debated in Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress that the best way to stimulate the economy was to buy "domestically produced goods."
This obviously came too late and it is still ignored by many globalist free traders as the cause of our economic crisis. Our economy based on making money on money instead of making things is burning out. President Obama followed and bailed out the big money interests who caused the crisis and put them back in charge.
The U.S. has suffered the most massive dislocation of jobs in its history. A working poor class and an underclass now reside in a silent depression and there is no base to support the needs of our society. Many who are still working are homeless or need government assistance to survive as the tax base gets smaller and smaller
For a summary of sites, see http://tapsearch.com/super-links and
http://squid.me/kyV |
Explore The Latent Response Of Religion And Philosophy To The Global Economy |
Religion and Philosophy remains dormant as globalist free traders continue their surge for making money on money instead of making things and using workers as tools in the process to achieve their objectives.
See http://tapsearch.com/ray-tapajna-journals
http://tapsearch.com/bewildered-global-economy. |
View Art that Talks issues |
View Ray Tapajna's thought provoking art that talks about the issues of our times with pictures telling the stories at http://art-that-talks.filetap.com or view main gallery at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com
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Double Talk American Dream Reversed
The Sacrilege Walmart built in grave yard of the steel industry
The American Dream is burning by Ray Tapajna
The Cross of 911 Tangle of Terror asking who can untangle the terror that globalization and free trade have bred.
Locked Out Workers Bearing Their Cross
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