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The American Dream Is Burning

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Ray Tapajna, online since 1998, has thousands of resources online about the issues affecting you in the global economic arena and restoring the American Dream.

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Finding your way out of the global econmic arena is not easy to do. Free trade economics has failed. President Obama had to bail out it out in 2008. He bailed out big money interests, te financial communities, Wall Street and the too "too big to fail" corporations. He ignored the suffering of millions who lost their jobs and businesses due to free trade. In effect, all Americans are wards of the state ina new type of State Capitalism. Nothing like this ever happen before in the United States. Even President F.D. Roosevelt never dared to use just a severe method. He said economic diseases are highly communicable. 

The U.S. has been  bailed out from the top down in a new type of trickle down government process.  It never reached very many except for about ten to 20 percent. It patched up a failed system only temporarily. It saved Wall Street from collapse. However the bail out is just a patch and the next  economic bubble could burst at any time. 

Still,  President Obama calls for even larger and super trade deals where the government act as a broker and dealer in a global economic arena.  The very same people who caused the economic crisis are back in control of the new super trade deals.  It is being driven in a setting of suterfruge where the Free Market is reserved for only a few.  

(If you want to know more about what happens behind the scenes, read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. See book review at http://tapsearch.com/amazon-friends.)

Now nations find they must protect their interests across the globe in a  new type of colonialism setting.  This happens when free trade economics separates investments from production and moves production anywhere in the world for the sake of cheaper labor and more profits. 

Is also breeds Money Wars based on manipulation of money values with the value of workers and labor being degraded and deflated for the sake of profits for a few.

The devaluation of work itself represents trillions of dollars in value forever. It shows that the value of workers and labor may be a better money standard than all the funny money created out of nothing because the value of workers and labor is a real asset that is always there and the lost of this value  truly represents trillions of dollars lost forever.

The trade deficit which has broken records for more than twenty years also represents trillions of even more dollars lost forever.

Plug in President Obama bail out money which was borrowed from the future and the situation becomes even worst.

Just imagine what all of this money could have accomplished not only in the U.S. but for the whole world if it was thrashed the way it was.The new working poor class and hidden underclass are floundering. Even the cheaper import prices are not cheap enough for the lower classes. It also makes free trade economics a more difficult to survive because it if based on consumption.  A consumption economy requires a sufficient number of people to be able to buy a sufficient number of goods or else everything goes down the drain.  The system can not be kept on life support for any long term of time by bail outs. 

And the impoverished workers in other lands can not even afford to buy the things they make, let alone buy anything the U.S. has left to sell. During congressional discussions about President Bush's plans for stimulating the economy, former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben Bernanke was asked what was the best way to stimulate the economy. He said the best way was to buy "domestically produced products."  Nothing came out of this as the free trade economic advocates pushed for more free trade which moved more and more jobs outside the country.

More recently, a former Federal Reserve Bank Director  from Kansas City said our unemployment rate is fiction. The rate is actually much higher than reported and the worst thing about this is the fabricated unemployment statistics are used to formulate other policies.

We all  need to know that only valued added economies as local as possible work.  If the value of workers and labor is misquided, then any economy does not have the opportunity to recycle. All the money that is spent at the retail level quickly fans out to the places where the products are made in far away places. It does not stay in place to recyle the economy where the money is spent. Workers are the commodities being traded. They are put on a global trading block to compete with each other for the same jobs down to wage slave and even child labor. With more than a billion people in the world willing to work for practically nothing to survive, it becomes a race to to the bottom.

Our economies based on making money on money instead of  making things is burning away. All the bail outs in the world will not stop it from spreading. This is what our advocacy for workers' dignity, local and value added economies and the real free enterprise system is all about.  We now have thousands of articles and commentaries mixed with our topical editorial art that talks on the worldwide web.

Search under tapsearch com, tapartnews, ray tapajna sites, tapsearcher and ray tapajna art that talks and follow our journey in the global economic arena. It is really all about you too.
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and view http://art-that-talks gallery 

Tapsearch Com World features Ray Tapajna Living Journals and his corresponding Living and Art that Talks issues.  His jounals predicted the coming of our economic crisis in "Bewildered New World" as it is today and what went wrong based on many experts in the field. It includes Sir James Goldsmith who wrote the book - The Trap - and led populist movements in both England and France after having an "economic conversion" being one of the best corporate raiders in the world.
http://tapsearch.com/bewildered-global-economy http://tapsearch.com/bizarre-politics-news

Another expert is Manuel Castells who wrote several books about globalization and free trade. He coined the term "Bewildered New World" as he predicted the coming of our economic crisis and the break down of our societies years ago. He predicted what happens when the investment community divorces itself from the production sector.  The value of workers and labor is deflated and a vast new working poor class is created. Ray's bio is at  tapsearch.com/about-ray-tapajna and see another overview at tapsearch.com/tapartnews/id18.html Click on any site below for more information. They now represent a history of free trade and global economic issues since 1992.

Tapsearch Com World and Ray Tapajna Info Net sites , online since 1998,  are at


Keeping history straight about free trade global economy


Explore the lost worlds in global free trade Flat World
Latent response of religion and philosophy, economic ethics  and "modern heresies"         tapsearch.com/realworldnews      
Untold stories behind the news
Ray Tapajna's bio pages and also featuring Ray's living healing color therapy art live          ray-tapajna-info.net/clinton          
Story / art that talks about American Dream Reversed
Communications rank according to class and hints and tips about communicating who you and what you do.
Summary of many Tapsearch World pages

Ray's main Living Healing Art, Art that Talks , Flowers for You and Rare Sports Art Collectibles art gallery is at

ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com Note  Ray mixed articles and commentaries on his many websites with his thought provoking Art that Talks. Search under tapsearch com, tapart news, ray tapajna live, tapsearcher or ray tapajna art for 1000s of resources and references. You can put most any term after the main keywords above for more specific information. For example put economic crisis after any of them.

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A Ray Tapajna Chronicles news & issues  
  Tapsearch.com features Ray Tapajna journals, online since 1998, has thousands of resources online. Ray mixes published letters and articles and with Art that Talks. The main sites are http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews, http://tapsearch.com/flatworld and
( View the most popular artwork by Ray on the worldwide web which now has millions of results on Yahoo- search under artwork title -Clinton Years American Dream Reversed )

Ray's journals foretold the coming our economic crisis years ago based on several experts including Sir James Goldsmith who wrote THE TRAP and Manuel Castells who predicted the coming of the Bewildered New World as it is today. There were others like Chuck Harder, host of For the People who with Dr Pat Choate and well respected journalist J.D. Cash foretold the story in the early 1990s

The core of our economic crisis today can be traced to 1994 when President Clinton pushed the passage of the elder President Bush's free trade program which included NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. They were passed by a Democrat controlled Congress which joined hands with Republicans Rep Newt Gingrich and Senator Bob Dole. Commentators like Rush Limbaugh who had a very large following locked hands with President Clinton in promoting the passage of both NAFTA and GATT. GATT was passed in a Thanksgiving Day vacation lameduck session of Congress after the Contract with America Republicans won the election and were due to take over in January.
Soon after, President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to save the peso and the Mexican economy. NAFTA had proved to be a completely failed program with millions of Mexican fleeing their country seeking economic survival in the USA.

This was a sign of things to come. It was the first stimulus package except it went to a foreign country. Later President Bush, the second, initiated his economic stimulus package. When this was being debated in Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress that the best way to stimulate the economy was to buy "domestically produced goods."

This obviously came too late and it is still ignored by many globalist free traders as the cause of our economic crisis. Our economy based on making money on money instead of making things is burning out. President Obama followed and bailed out the big money interests who caused the crisis and put them back in charge.

The U.S. has suffered the most massive dislocation of jobs in its history. A working poor class and an underclass now reside in a silent depression and there is no base to support the needs of our society. Many who are still working are homeless or need government assistance to survive as the tax base gets smaller and smaller
For a summary of sites, see http://tapsearch.com/super-links and
Explore The Latent Response Of Religion And Philosophy To The Global Economy  
  Religion and Philosophy remains dormant as globalist free traders continue their surge for making money on money instead of making things and using workers as tools in the process to achieve their objectives.
See http://tapsearch.com/ray-tapajna-journals
View Art that Talks issues  
  View Ray Tapajna's thought provoking art that talks about the issues of our times with pictures telling the stories at http://art-that-talks.filetap.com or view main gallery at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com
Search under artwork titles for up to more than a mllion references. Search out ....
Double Talk American Dream Reversed
The Sacrilege Walmart built in grave yard of the steel industry
The American Dream is burning by Ray Tapajna
The Cross of 911 Tangle of Terror asking who can untangle the terror that globalization and free trade have bred.
Locked Out Workers Bearing Their Cross

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